Prize Draw: CFC Players Photoshoot at Cobham

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By submitting this form, you accept the following terms.
Only entries by CST voting members will be considered.
There will be two prize winners. Each prize winner will receive one ticket.
The prize winner must be able to attend the event at the Cobham training ground on 16th January from 13:00-16:00 [approx]

The prize winner consents to having their photographs taken during the event and acknowledges that they will be asked to participate in the photoshoot.

Parking on-site will be provided – no other travel expenses will be covered.
The prize draw will close at 15:30 on Friday 10th January. The winners will be called between 16:00-17:00 to confirm attendance.
We apologise for the very short turnaround, however CFC has informed us that we must supply the names of attendees by the end of Friday 10 January.

The winners agree to having their names, email addresses, and telephone numbers shared with Chelsea FC who will administer the prize.

The CST reserves the right to withdraw this prize will no liability. Individuals who submit multiple entires will be disqualified.


About Post Author

Dominic Rosso


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