Affiliate Members

Our Affiliate members are listed below and we are grateful for their ongoing support.

The Blueprint: How Chelsea FC Changed Football

The Blueprint tells the inside story of how Chelsea changed football. From the advent of the Premier League to Munich 2012, we speak with the people who made it happen, including Ken Bates, Claudio Ranieri, Glenn Hoddle, Frank Lampard, John Terry, Roberto Di Matteo and many more. Website :

Chelsea Supporters’ Club Vancouver

The oldest Chelsea supporters’ club outside of the British Isles – formed officially in 1997. With over 250 paid-up members including ex-pats and newer fans.
Email: [email protected] Website:

 The Peoples Pundit
The People’s Pundit

I use Instagram and YouTube to voice my opinion, mainly from a Chelsea bias point of view.
Instagram @thepeoplespundit  YouTube – search for Chris Papa – The People’s Pundit


Broadcaster Daniel Childs presents regular Chelsea content wherever you may be.
Available on YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

True Bles Poland
True Blues Poland / Oficjalny FanClub Chelsea FC w Polsce

Official Supporters’ Club in Poland, founded in 2013 by a group of Chelsea supporters located in Krakow, but now we’ve got members all over the country. We’re meeting regularly on matchdays in many cities in Poland, including Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw or Gdansk.  Email – [email protected]

Malaysian Chelsea Soljabiru

Malaysian Chelsea Soljabiru comprises of 10 divisions within Malaysia.
We can be contacted at [email protected] Instagram s oisoljabiru

Shed End Dallas

Shed End Dallas is a Chelsea supporters group established in 2015 located in Dallas, TX. The group hosts it’s match day experience at the Londoner in Addison, Texas. Shed End Dallas is an Official Chapter of the Desert Texas Blues – Affiliated with Chelsea in America

Chelsea In America
Chelsea in America

Chelsea in America is a coalition of over 45 Official Chelsea FC Supporters’ Groups in the USA, split across 5 regions. Each region is also an Affiliate member.

American Heartland USA
Chicago, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Milwaukee, Madison, Detroit, Kansas City, St. Louis, Iowa (Des Moines and Iowa City), Omaha, Indianapolis, Kentucky (Louisville and Lexington)
Twitter: USAHeartlandCFC
American Southwest Blues
Dallas (2 groups), Ft. Worth, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Louisiana, Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson, Oklahoma City, Tulsa
Facebook: American Southwest Blues : Instagram: American Southwest Blues CFC : Twitter: American Southwest Blues CFC
Carefree California (West Coast)
LA area (2 groups: LA Chelsea Blues & OC Blues), Fresno/Clovis, San Jose, San Francisco, Bakersfield, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle
Facebook: Carefree CA Chelsea FC Supporters (Closed Group) : Twitter: Carefree California : Instagram: carefreeca1905
Mid Atlantic Blues
DC, Baltimore, Norfolk/Virginia Beach, Richmond
Facebook: Mid Atlantic Blues : Twitter: @MidAtlanticCFC
Southeast Blues
Raleigh/Durham, Charlotte, Greensboro, Wilmington, Nashville, Georgia (pub in Atlanta), Orlando, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Mobile, Huntsville
Instagram: @southeastblues : Facebook: Southeast Blues : Twitter: @southeastblues


Brisbane Chelsea Supporters Club (Brisbane Blues)

A club for local and extended fans across Queensland. The club meet regularly for games, social catch ups and events. Game days are hosted by our Sponsor Pig N Whistle Riverside . Contact: [email protected]


Everybody’s favourite Chelsea Football Fanzine, and it’s only a pound!

Chelsea Fancast
Chelsea Fancast

The best (and award winning!) podcast for Chelsea fans by Chelsea fans.

Chelsea News square
Chelsea News

Chelsea News welcomes you to the Internet’s original unofficial Chelsea News website, since 2005, bringing you our own original Chelsea news blog content plus Chelsea FC news and transfer news 24 hours a day.

If you would like to support us as an affiliate member, please see our membership options here.

Here is a list of our other Affiliate Members. For those who haven’t already, please get in touch to let us know of any contact details you would like to be added, by emailing [email protected]


Anthony Abdelnour
Uchenna Aguoru
Luqmaan Ahmed
Mohammed Al Sabah
Saleh Al Saleh
Thomas Armour
Jeanette Arregger
Sebastian Baayel
Bob Barlow
Andrew Barlow
William Michael Nikolai Barnett
Anthony Barone
Chris Bell
Neil Benham
Terence Boulden
William Briner
Stephen Buck
Philip Budwick
Jean-Francois Burford
Edward Burgess
Bj Burruss
Joel Burton
Nick Burton-Prateley
Damian Bush
John Carpenter
Chris Cassley
Andrew Cavanna
Jared Chammach
Warren Christie
Kevin Codd
Lewis Connolly
Tyler Coward
Patrick Cunningham
Robert Davies
Nicholas Del Monaco
Andrew Deutser
Ian Dray
Ian Duley
Alec Egan
John Edman
Ahmed Elkharbotly
Andrew Esmond
Gábor Faggyas
Jason Fenton

Bob Fitch
Ian Flynn
Roshann Frederic
Hovig Giragossian
Davis Grinvalds
Perry D Guinn
Robin Hammond
Alan Harmer
John Harry
Jaime Hernandez-Cauthen
Nick Home
Amanda Hoyles
Oleg Igin
Charles Ingram
Steven Jakar
Shashi Jaulimsing
Vigrant Kulnarong
Tom Keltner
Gill Kemp
David Kettle
Slawomir ( Mike ) Kucharek
Tak Chung Lai
Kevin Leonard
Norman Herbert Exree Lewis
R Marcus H Little
Jacob Lively
Lesley Lowe
Joshua Mason
Robert Maynard
Daniel McAleese
Madison McDonald
Patrick McKenna
Carlos Mendoza
Lee Mills
Nickolas Monthei
Jake Murrell
Vineet Nayak
Graham Newnham
Stephen Neylon
Brian O Donovan
Nyan Gerard O’Brien

Roland Olsen
Chris Papacosta
Ernest Pomin
Adam Porter
Paul Preston
Harry Purdy
Josh Rabideau
Chris Renehan
Branko Rihtman
Ariel Sharon Rodriguez
Roy Russell
Jose Salas
Shawn Salcedo
Derek Sewell
Tamar Shaw
Jamie Shoesmith
Norman Shumate
Amarvir Sidhu
Richard SImon
Kevin Slomka
Gavin Smith
Mark Stevens
Michael Stevens
Duncan Stoddart
Jordan Suarez
Nathanial Sullivan
Emin Tabakovic
Gary Trowsdale
Peer Widmer
Jared Willardson
Thomas Williams
Nathaniel Willmer
Adrian Wixcey
Chris Wright
Hayden Yu