• Statement regarding the proposed Stamford Bridge Redevelopment The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust representative was pleased to attend the recent Fans Forum meeting which focussed on the proposed redevelopment of Stamford Bridge. Questions regarding plans for the much heralded redevelopment of Stamford Bridge were put to members of the Club’s Board and the design team responsible for…

  • Chelsea quiz

    Chelsea quiz

    Members attending our recent AGM on 13th August 2016 and who were able to hang around, were treated to one of fine Chelsea journalist Dan Levene‘s popular Chelsea quizzes, lovingly prepared especially for the event. Alas, an orange airline who shall remain nameless almost conspired to prevent our very own Bamber Gascoigne (ask your parents!)…

  • Next Fans’ Forum meeting – 12 September 2016

    The first Fans’ Forum of the new season will take place on Monday 12th September 2016. The new stadium project team have been invited to present at the meeting and representatives of the Forum have been invited to submit questions to the team about queries concerning the development. We will be forwarding issues raised by…

  • Return to Brompton Cemetery – 6 August 2016

    On a blisteringly hot and sunny Saturday in August, we returned for our third visit to Brompton Cemetery to continue the great clear up work from previous visits. Unfortunately, weeds and bramble have a nasty habit of growing back, so our first job was to remove the regrowth from the grave of Alfred Frederick Janes,…

  • Peter Osgood event

    Peter Osgood event

    The Windsor and Royal Borough Museum, at the request of Cllr Ed Wilson, has put a small display together commemorating the life of Chelsea legend, Peter Osgood. The exhibition, based at Dedworth Library on Smiths Lane, Windsor, SL4 5PE, will officially open on Saturday the 13th August at 12:00, with light refreshments being served in…

  • Annual General Meeting 2016

    Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Chelsea Supporters Trust will be held at 14:00 on Saturday 13 August 2016 in the Attenborough Suite, Copthorne Hotel, Stamford Bridge, Fulham Road, London, SW6 1HS. Light refreshments will be provided. The agenda is reproduced below and can also be downloaded here. The standing…

  • Trust Board Elections 2016-17 – Update

    The closing date for the call for nominations to the CST board passed at 23:00 on 29th July 2016 and the formal process of election will shortly begin. Details of that process can be found here. Nine board positions are available and nine nominations were received so the formal membership election process will take the…

  • Next Brompton Cemetery Clear Up Project Visit

    The third outing of the CST-organised working party to tidy up Chelsea graves in Brompton Cemetery is at 11.00 on Saturday 6 August 2016.  As before, we will meet at the Fulham Road gates.  Both our previous sessions have been productive and enjoyable so if you are free, why not come along. Tools, gloves and…

  • Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Notice of Election Applications for board positions in  2016-17 are now open. 1. The Board Election will coincide with the CST Annual General Meeting which will occur on the same date. 2. Voting for the election will commence in the form of an online poll following the close of the AGM and…

  • Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Advance Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2016/17 1. By order of the Chelsea Supporters Trust (CST) Board, notice is hereby given, that it is the intention of the CST to hold an AGM and an election for the board of the society for the 2016/17 season. 2. The AGM will take…