• The results of the recent Chelsea Supporters Trust Board election and the voting on each CST Motion, as proposed in the AGM of 13th August have now been released. The vote for the new Board was an ‘affirmative vote’ with 9 members standing for election or re-election. Each member required 50% of the vote to…



    During the election process of the Chelsea Supporters Trust the Board submit to the membership a number of issues which arose in the 2016/17 season and/or were raised in a review of the results of the June 2017 membership survey. The background to a number of these issues, and details of progress in the past twelve months,…

  • The Annual General Meeting of the Chelsea Supporters Trust was held at 14:00 on Sunday 13th of August 2017.  As always we recorded the meeting for the benefit of members who were unable to attend in person. You can listen to it here: AGENDA  1. Welcome and apologies 2. Chairman’s Report – overall report on…

  • Newsletter – Summer 2017

    Chairman’s Report Warm congratulations to all Chelsea supporters for their support in a season that exceeded many of our expectations in winning the League for the 6th time, tinged with disappointment at failing to do the ‘Double’ by losing the FA Cup final to Arsenal. For many it has been a season to remember and…

  • Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Annual Survey 2017

    The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust has run an annual survey of its membership each year for the last four years. It provides a crucial benchmark and snapshot of what Chelsea Supporters think about the club they support on key issues such as the running of the Club; Ticket prices and access; Kick-Off times; Loyalty Points; the…

  • Fans Forum – 19 April 2017

    The third and final of the season Fans’ Forum meeting took place at Stamford Bridge on Wednesday 19 April 2017. The main topics of discussion were the club’s own annual fans’ survey, the temporary and new stadiums, and a mix of points raised by the various assembled representatives. The minutes can be downloaded as a…

  • Good Sense Prevails

    Many Chelsea fans, and the wider football community, will have read about the case of an autistic lad, a passionate Chelsea supporter, who was recently caught in possession of two flares on his way to see Chelsea play at West Ham. More of the background to the story can be found here. David Hislop QC,…

  • Next Fans Forum Meeting on 19 April 2017

    The final Fans’ Forum meeting of the season will take place on Wednesday 19 April 2017.  It is a general meeting and all topics are open for discussion, bearing in mind that on-pitch subjects do not fall under the Forum’s remit. If you wish to raise an issue, please let us know by Friday 7th…

  • Representatives of the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust recently attended a briefing meeting at the ‘London’ stadium ahead of our Premier League fixture on Monday evening 6th March 2017, following the well publicised events of our League Cup game there back in October 2016. We were joined by staff of West Ham United and Chelsea FC ,…

  • Newsletter – February 2017

    Newsletter – February 2017

    Welcome to our first Newsletter of the Year, and indeed our first one for far too long, for which I owe you a huge apology. As a result this might be a longer newsletter than usual as we have a lot to catch up on.  I promise to keep them a little briefer in the…