Membership Survey
Chelsea Supporter’s Trust (CST) is committed to represent the views of our members.
To help us understand what our member’s think, we run surveys.
This can be in the form of a large, annual survey, or, a smaller, ad-hoc survey on a particular point.
The results ensure we are truly reflecting the thoughts of our members.

The annual membership survey is designed to identify the issues that Chelsea supporters and Trust members care about. It forms the basis of our policy mandate for the forthcoming year.
Our membership is canvassed every year, soon after the end of the season, to gauge opinion and trends. The results are analysed and a detailed report produced and presented to Board members of Chelsea Football Club.
The production, presentation and results of the report are very much welcome by the hierarchy at the club, and they welcome the feedback that the survey affords from the independent nature of an organisation like the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust.
The survey is the mainstay of the direction of our work, please do take the opportunity to complete one next time.
Make your voice heard !
Thank you to those who responded to this year’s survey. We are compiling the report and will publish and share it with our members as soon as we can.
Previous Survey Results
Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Ticketing Survey – June 2023
Download survey here.
Primary Shirt Sponsorship Update
According to recent reports, “Chelsea FC have pulled out of talks over a shirt sponsorship deal with gambling company following a backlash from supporters.” In response to these reports, the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust has issued the following response. A Chelsea Supporters’ Trust spokesperson, said: “The CST is really pleased that, according to recent reports,…
Chelsea Supporters’ Trust ticketing survey June 2023
Update : The ticketing survey has now closed. Thank you to all of you that took the time to participate and for sharing your views. We have had a great response. As a democratic organisation, the Trust act on behalf of our members. The results of our surveys help us to understand the thoughts of…
CST letter on Chelsea Football Club shirt sponsorship
According to reports, Chelsea Football Club are in final negotiations with an online casino and betting company to become the new primary shirt sponsors on an initial one year deal. On Friday 16th June, the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust issued an urgent question to its membership to ascertain views and opinions on this matter. Over 77%…
Club shirt sponsor survey
According to reports, Chelsea Football Club are in final negotiations with an online casino and betting company to become the new primary shirt sponsors on an initial one year deal. The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust has today issued an urgent question to its membership to ascertain views and opinion on this matter. All members will have…
CST Survey Results & Statement
Last week, the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust stated that the Ricketts family must urgently and publicly address supporter concerns – especially with regard to inclusivity, given both past and recent statements by members of the family. We also committed to surveying our members as to their confidence and support in the Ricketts family’s bid for Chelsea…