Membership Survey

Chelsea Supporter’s Trust (CST) is committed to represent the views of our members.
To help us understand what our member’s think, we run surveys.

This can be in the form of a large, annual survey, or, a smaller, ad-hoc survey on a particular point.

The results ensure we are truly reflecting the thoughts of our members.

chelsea fans

The annual membership survey is designed to identify the issues that Chelsea supporters and Trust members care about.  It forms the basis of our policy mandate for the forthcoming year.

Our membership is canvassed every year, soon after the end of the season, to gauge opinion and trends. The results are analysed and a detailed report produced and presented to Board members of Chelsea Football Club.

The production, presentation and results of the report are very much welcome by the hierarchy at the club, and they welcome the feedback that the survey affords from the independent nature of an organisation like the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust.

The survey is the mainstay of the direction of our work, please do take the opportunity to complete one next time.

Make your voice heard !

Thank you to those who responded to this year’s survey. We are compiling the report and will publish and share it with our members as soon as we can.

Previous Survey Results

  • Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Ticketing Survey

    Thank you to all our members who took the time to complete our recent survey. This survey was created to find out the views of the current ticketing systems, processes, and policies. The responses ensure we can best reflect the thoughts of our members when we engage with the club. The survey report can be…

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  • CST Premier League Restart Survey

    Thank you to all those that responded to our quick  Premier League Restart Survey It is clear that the majority of respondents (70%) would prefer that the season did not start, either, by voiding the season completely or using points per game to decide final league positions. With the games being televised, 66% would watch…

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  • CST Annual Survey 2019 – Results

    The results of the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Annual Survey for 2019 are now available and can be downloaded here. The 2019 survey held in April Last year and was open to members and non-members alike and two thousand responses were received. We’d like to thank all of you who participated in the survey. We apologise…

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  • CST Annual Survey 2018 – Results

    The results of the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Annual Survey are now available and can be downloaded here. We’d like to thank all of you who participated in the survey held between Mid-April until the end of May this year. It is arguably one of the most important activities the Trust is involved with on your…

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  • Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Annual Survey 2017 Results

    The results of the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Annual Survey are now available and can be downloaded here. We’d like to thank all of you who participated in the survey held in May/June this year. It is arguably one of the most important activities the Trust is involved with on your behalf. It is an important…

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  • Chelsea Supporters’ Trust Annual Survey 2017

    The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust has run an annual survey of its membership each year for the last four years. It provides a crucial benchmark and snapshot of what Chelsea Supporters think about the club they support on key issues such as the running of the Club; Ticket prices and access; Kick-Off times; Loyalty Points; the…

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