All news

  • Fixture scheduling dialogue continues with Sky Sports

    In November, Tim Rolls representing the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust, along with representatives of Spirit of Shankly, Tottenham Hotspur Supporters’Trust and the Football Supporters’ Federation met with senior Executives from Sky Sports to discuss the impact of the rescheduling of Premier League matches for broadcast on match going fans, particularly away supporters. A further meeting was…

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  • Chelsea Supporters Trust SGM – 25th February 2017

    Chelsea Supporters’ Trust held their second Special General Meeting of the season after the Swansea City match. The SGMs are a good chance to report back to the membership, in person on progress with the issues we are mandated to pursue and have a face to face dialogue with the members. Held in a venue…

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  • West Ham away game on 6th March 2017

    Representatives of the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust recently attended a briefing meeting at the ‘London’ stadium ahead of our Premier League fixture on Monday evening 6th March 2017, following the well publicised events of our League Cup game there back in October 2016. We were joined by staff of West Ham United and Chelsea FC ,…

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  • Special General Meeting 25th February 17.30 at The Lillie Langtry

    The next CST Special General Meeting will be held at 17:30 at the Lillie Langtry, 19 Lillie Road, London SW6 1UE after the Swansea City game on Saturday 25th February.      Uppermost in Chelsea Supporters minds at the moment is the issue of the Stamford Bridge redevelopment, a move to a temporary stadium and…

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  • Newsletter – February 2017

    Welcome to our first Newsletter of the Year, and indeed our first one for far too long, for which I owe you a huge apology. As a result this might be a longer newsletter than usual as we have a lot to catch up on.  I promise to keep them a little briefer in the…

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  • Statement on the Planning Approval for the redevelopment of Stamford Bridge

    The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust is delighted to learn that Hammersmith & Fulham Council Planning Committee have approved the planning application for the redevelopment of Stamford Bridge. The Club has been at the heart of the community for 112 years and we welcome both the decision made by Mr Abramovich to redevelop the football stadium rather…

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  • Fans Forum – 7 December 2016

    The second Fans’ Forum meeting took place at Stamford Bridge on Wednesday 7 December 2016. The main topics of discussion were ticketing and policing, where members of the Metropolitan Police, local and football unit, were invited to take part. The minutes can be downloaded as a PDF here.

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  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

    The Chair and board of the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust would like to wish our members, affiliates, friends and all Chelsea supporters, wherever you may be, our best wishes and compliments of this festive season. However you choose to celebrate, we hope you enjoy every moment. May your new year be healthy and  prosperous but, most…

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  • Using Twitter to help supporters get home from away games

    The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust is appreciative of the fact that Chelsea FC has for some time subsidised travel for those supporters based in the South East who attend away games. However we are also aware that many supporters still have significant journeys home when club transport arrives back in the south east, whether this be…

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  • West Ham EFL Cup Game – Follow Up Meeting

    Following on from our EFL Cup game against West Ham at the London Stadium, Amanda Jacks, Caseworker at the Football Supporters Federation facilitated a meeting between parties involved with game management; stadium operators LS185, Met Police Football Unit and British Transport Police plus representatives from the Chelsea Supporters’ Trust and West Ham supporter organisations. The…

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  • Next Fans’ Forum meeting on 7 December 2016

    The next Fans’ Forum meeting to be held with Chelsea FC is set to take place on Wednesday 7 December 2016. The main topic of discussion is scheduled to be about ticketing. However, we are also due to be joined at the meeting  by senior representatives from Hammersmith &Fulham Police and the  Central Football Unit. …

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  • Fixture scheduling meeting with Sky

    On Wednesday 2 November a number of top-flight fan representatives met with members of the team at Sky Sports who work across football coverage and fixture scheduling. It is hoped that this is the first of many meetings between match-going fans and broadcasters. The full statement can be found on the Football Supporters’ Federation site…

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